Shooters and Game Engines in Level Design

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50.00 ساعة تعليمية
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نبذة عن المقرر

Do you want to learn more about game genres and subgenres? This course continues your exploration of level design by introducing you to an important genre: the shooter. The shooter genre is huge in the game world, containing a wide variety of subgenres with their own gameplay needs. This course outlines some of these subgenres and identifies common shooter mechanics, level design considerations, and examples to help you understand how these concepts are applied. This course also provides you with the development tools that video game level designers use to build their levels.

No matter what genre of game you are designing for, the process of creating a level is similar. It requires planning, forethought, and constant testing and iteration. To ensure you’re on the right track, we finish off by reviewing all the key concepts you have learned throughout the three courses for the Level Design Professional Certificate, including the principles and terminology of good level design, specific considerations for certain genres, and the level design process.


Tahirah Mirza
Tahirah Mirza

I joined the video game industry a little over 4 years ago. With a strong passion for video games and background in marketing, it was the perfect fit. I learned a lot about the industry through my job but also through my passion for the industry.

Additionally, I have a background in Marketing through acquiring an E-Business Certificate at Lasalle College, volunteering with student organizations at University, and working in a ~~small~~ IT Consulting company.

I have been working at Ubisoft as a Content & Channel Manager and manage a team of Coordinators. Our primary role is to be a resource to the organization when it comes to social media, channel management, as well as strategies activations on social.

John Appleby
John Appleby

8+ years of teaching various classes on Game Design and Development at several institutions across both the UK and Canada. With a background in Fine Art and a deep, lifelong passion for video games, John is continually working to improve his own creative and analytical skills, while sharing the knowledge he gains with the next generation of game-makers.

John is primarily interested in video games as art and the ways in which we might use them to share our experiences and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.