Japanese Culture and Language (I) | 日语与日本文化(1)

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In modern history of the development of China, Japan more than any country in the world, has made the largest influence on China. It cannot be underestimated that, the influence from Japan on China’s teenagers covers from their character formations, cultural identities, and even values. So observing the Japanese social life could help us looking back to ourselves. Re-understanding Japan and Japanese, can help Chinese distinguishing the most fundamental contradiction between China and Japan, which is the differences in "insular" and "mainland farming nation". It is more important to understand a national culture than to master its language. In this course, the introduction and analysis of Japanese culture and daily social lives are rubbed into more than ever.



Feng Feng
Feng Feng
Gao Yang
Gao Yang
高阳,研究方向:日本古典文学。近年来国内外正式发表论文20余篇;省部级项目2项,国外项目1项,校级项目2项。 主要兼职:日本立教大学特别研究员。
Miyazaki Izumi
Miyazaki Izumi
宫崎泉 (Miyazaki Izumi) ,研究方向:日语教学;跨文化交流;中日关系。拥有在华多所重点大学教学、研究经验,同时从事日语教材编辑,中英日翻译。